Seven Deadly Sins: Vegas Edition
We're home now, the trip back was completely uneventful. Overall, we had a great time, although for me I think a two-night trip will be optimal in the future. My birthday feels properly and fully celebrated. Even somewhat over-celebrated, but that was the whole point of this adventure!
Some final thoughts...with Vegas being "Sin City" and all, were curious to know if we hit all seven of the deadly ones. So, here is our final tally:
Greed -- This one is the Las Vegas standard. The city would not be there without it. We gambled (nothing stronger than $2 bet video blackjack, although one time I hit the wrong button and bet $20 on a single hand..fortunately I won the hand and doubled my money). I kept trying to win a convertible via the slot machines, too. Overall, I think I walked away from the whole trip just about even (except for no convertible)!
Gluttony -- Another Las Vegas standard. All those buffet specials appeal to it. We stayed away from the buffets, but we certainly didn't stay away from wonderful meals and lots of cocktails. For us, the whole purpose of playing slots was to get the free drinks from the casino.
Lust -- The third in the Vegas Big Three. You can't turn around without seeing a sign for some exotic review. It's funny that it's called "exotic," because everyone has a body. You'd think with an "exotic" review you'd see aliens from Area 51 or something like that. (Oh wait, that's Blue Man Group!) Anyway, our little trip to Olympic Gardens covered this one.
Sloth -- Any vacation destination that doesn't involve climbing mountains or otherwise combatting nature is pretty high up on the sloth list. But laying around in bed drinking mimosas until 3pm or so definitely ranks up there as Sin City achievement.
Envy -- It's interesting that envy is on the list, because it's kind of a combination of greed, gluttony, and lust. However did the theologians come up with the seven deadly sins? Anyway, there is so much shopping in Vegas, I'm sure a lot of it is powered by greed, gluttony, and lust, but perhas some comes from envy -- or wanting to induce it. Take my new shoes...and they're green with envy.
Anger -- Now we're getting into the more picky/tricky of the sins, in Vegas achievement terms. The only time I got angry in Vegas was being stuck in traffic on the Strip trying to return the rental car. I guess anger is one of the lesser of the Vegas sins. I suppose people could pick bar fights to get their anger on.
Pride -- Writing a blog is pretty much an exercise in pride. We hope you've enjoyed it!
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